

Happiness Express

‘Happiness Express’ is a unique menstrual health awareness session designed for students of all genders. Through enlightening discussions on debunking period myths, fostering mindfulness, happiness activities, gender sensitization, and patriotism, we aim to create a supportive environment that challenges stigmas and encourages open communication.


Let's Talk About It

Our mission is to create informed, confident students who understand consent, reproductive health, and healthy relationships. By addressing stigma, myths, and critical topics, we aim to foster a supportive educational environment, ensuring a healthier, well-informed generation.

Encompassing mental wellbeing, social responsibility, and academic success in students

Mind Talks

The vision is to empower all students with comprehensive knowledge and awareness on menstrual health and hygiene while also boosting their Happiness Quotient.

Cultivating Teacher Well-Being through Mindfulnesss Sessions

Happy Teachers, Happy Classrooms

Experience the sessions where we delve into essential topics like mental well-being for educators and their students, effective communication with children, life-value inculcation, and meditation practices. By fostering happiness and resilience among teachers, we aim to create vibrant, nurturing classrooms and ultimately contribute to a thriving school community.

Empowering Parents, Shaping Futures

The Mindful Parenting

In our engaging sessions, we delve into crucial topics such as mental well-being, effective communication, understanding children’s mindsets, and inculcating life values. Through meditation and practical guidance, we aim to create a supportive environment where parents can enhance their skills and build strong, nurturing relationships with their children, fostering a brighter future for all.

Discover Your purpose, Live your ikigai

Journey To purpose

Join the transformative session to uncover your purpose, align your passions, and achieve a fulfilling life. Find clarity, build confidence, and embrace a life of joy and meaning.

Shaping Future Generations

with Niraj Gera

Empowering youth, inspiring change, and building a brighter tomorrow. Join us in creating a legacy of positive impact.

Meet Niraj Gera, Your Educator

Niraj Gera, a distinguished world record holder for conducting the highest number of women's health sessions, offers a suite of educational programs aimed at enhancing mental and menstrual health, sex education, and holistic well-being in educational settings. His workshops are meticulously designed to address the needs of teachers, students, and administrative staff, promoting an environment of understanding and wellness across school communities.

Through his engaging sessions on mental health and sex education, Gera provides crucial insights and tools that empower participants to manage their well-being effectively. His unique approach to menstrual health education breaks down stigmas and educates both male and female students about important health issues, fostering a supportive and informed school environment.

Gera's workshops on bridging the gap between parents and their children are particularly beneficial, offering strategies to enhance communication and understanding within families. Additionally, his mentoring sessions for students are tailored to inspire and guide them towards personal and academic success, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle the challenges of life.

Inviting Niraj Gera to your school as a resource person means investing in a transformative educational experience that not only enlightens but also motivates and nurtures the entire school community towards greater well-being and cooperative learning. His proven track record and commitment to positive change make him an invaluable asset to any educational institution looking to enhance its health education curriculum and promote a healthier, more aware community.